Adult Education Happenings
Excursion Groups Near and Far
These outings help fulfill our goal to understand our adopted country, its people and its culture.
Monthly: Downtown museums and other cultural attractions followed by lunch. Evening music concerts. Led by SMA native and UU member, Carla Yadira. For more information, email Carla at [email protected].
2-3 night weekend Trip to Mexico City led by Helen and maybe Carla. Date TBD. Helen recommends the Hotel Catedral, which is behind the Cathedral and within walking distance of the Zocalo and many cultural institutions. Taxie to Carlos Slim's new museum and the famous Anthropology Museum. See the Ballet Folkorico. Each person pays their share of costs. F.M.I. Email Helen at [email protected].
Other destinations we are considering:
(Otomi village)
Ruta de Vino y Queso Queretaro
City of Queretaro
Registration a must for all events and space is limited. Costs, if any, will be available.
We are preparing information for about five activities. All of these share the goals of befriending or deepening bonds within our Fellowship, of exercising our minds and of interaction with Mexicans from our own San Miguel Allende and through visiting other Cities and Towns here and in neighboring States.
Costs will be transparent and shared equally among everyone. No one is paid unless we agree to hire someone such as a technician to help with our electronic devices.
These outings help fulfill our goal to understand our adopted country, its people and its culture.
Monthly: Downtown museums and other cultural attractions followed by lunch. Evening music concerts. Led by SMA native and UU member, Carla Yadira. For more information, email Carla at [email protected].
2-3 night weekend Trip to Mexico City led by Helen and maybe Carla. Date TBD. Helen recommends the Hotel Catedral, which is behind the Cathedral and within walking distance of the Zocalo and many cultural institutions. Taxie to Carlos Slim's new museum and the famous Anthropology Museum. See the Ballet Folkorico. Each person pays their share of costs. F.M.I. Email Helen at [email protected].
Other destinations we are considering:
(Otomi village)
Ruta de Vino y Queso Queretaro
City of Queretaro
Registration a must for all events and space is limited. Costs, if any, will be available.
We are preparing information for about five activities. All of these share the goals of befriending or deepening bonds within our Fellowship, of exercising our minds and of interaction with Mexicans from our own San Miguel Allende and through visiting other Cities and Towns here and in neighboring States.
Costs will be transparent and shared equally among everyone. No one is paid unless we agree to hire someone such as a technician to help with our electronic devices.
This monthly one hour zoom presentation will focus on answering questions about any aspect of Unitarian Universalism. It wil be less formal than the in person course and will be offered on zoom on the second Wednesday of every month from 1 to 2 pm CT starting on Wednesday, February 8.
Each session wil focus on one or two areas and questions must be submitted in advance by email to our minister [email protected] to allow for well prepared answers from him or perhaps other UU ministers or experts in particular areas of UUism. This is not a discussion group but will take more the format of a podcast. Anyone is welcome to zoom in. Feel free to invite friends who might be interested in UUism or are involved in it elsewhere. The zoom link will be on our website and a reminder wil be sent out each month to the Fellowship mailing list.
Each session wil focus on one or two areas and questions must be submitted in advance by email to our minister [email protected] to allow for well prepared answers from him or perhaps other UU ministers or experts in particular areas of UUism. This is not a discussion group but will take more the format of a podcast. Anyone is welcome to zoom in. Feel free to invite friends who might be interested in UUism or are involved in it elsewhere. The zoom link will be on our website and a reminder wil be sent out each month to the Fellowship mailing list.
Tech Talk Social Program
Monthly Tech Talk Social. The goal is to share our frustrations and try to learn from one another, thus empowering ourselves, by searching our brains and Google. Getting professional help only if needed, organized by Helen. Location: T.B.A. Email Helen at [email protected] F.M.I.
Book Read
Book read by Lou Marines, On Being Mortal, by Atul Gawande. F.M.I. Contact Helen at [email protected].
Helen Rivas-Rose
Education is very important to me. Education delivered me from decades of social isolation, by showing me what I had to know to feel good about myself. I have a degree in history and one in education. I've taught elementary school, plus Spanish, English as a Second Language, and bridge at various Adult Education Programs. Now, more than ever, we all need a boost to explore and socialize.
Prior to the pandemic, I visited S.M.A. from Maine as a snowbird for 30 years. Now, I live here year round. |
Carla Yadira
My parents are Carlos and Maria, my father is originally from San Miguel de Allende, and my mother is from Chihuahua, I grew up with parents who dedicated a lot of time to supporting social causes while raising their 3 kids.
I studied psychology at the UAQ, which I have been practicing ever since, giving workshops, classes, and individual attention. In 2012 my son was born, who has revolutionized my thinking. He is the engine of adventures who forces me to leave my comfort zone. I love history, reading, sleeping, and eating. |