Our Sunday Services are lively, interesting, and filled with joyful sounds. If you are a first- time visitor, you may wonder what our services are all about.
They typically include:
From time to time other elements are incorporated during holidays, celebrations, multigenerational services, and longer musical performances. We offer Religious Exploration programs for children and youth during the Sunday service. And those who attend Sunday services are invited to remain together afterwards for coffee and conversation.
They typically include:
- Words of welcome
- Lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith
- Our Spoken Covenant (recited in both English Spanish)
- Sharing of Joys, Sorrows Concerns
- Hymns
- Music, both instrumental and vocal and in a variety of styles
- Readings—ancient and contemporary
- A sermon/message given by a minister, guest speaker, or a member of the congregation
- An offering, collecting financial donations for the operations of the congregation
- Extinguishing of the Chalice
From time to time other elements are incorporated during holidays, celebrations, multigenerational services, and longer musical performances. We offer Religious Exploration programs for children and youth during the Sunday service. And those who attend Sunday services are invited to remain together afterwards for coffee and conversation.