There are many ways donate to the UUFSMA Endowment Fund. Directions on the most common ways to make a current donation are summarized below. Directions on how to make a bequest to UUFSMA are available upon request from a member of the Endowment Fund Committee. You may also request a copy of the UUFSMA Gift Acceptance Policy from a committee member. If there is a source to donate from which we haven’t mentioned below, please ask us about it. The Committee will be glad to help with any questions.
We are grateful for each and every contribution. For all donations, please notify us at [email protected] and [email protected] that the money is coming, the method you have chosen and that your gift is for the Endowment Fund. This will help us to record and acknowledge your donation. Thank you!
For Cash from a USA Account
You can put a check payable to UUFSMA in the Sunday collection basket, or you may deliver it to La Connexion, Aldama #3, San Miguel de Allende, México.
You can mail a check payable to UUFSMA to:
220 N. Zapata Highway
Suite 11, PMB 401K
Laredo, Texas 78043
For Payment by PayPal
Please go to the UUFSMA website home page and click on “Donate”. That will take you to a page where you will see “To pay via PayPal click below” with a “Donate” button below it. Click on the “Donate” button to go into the PayPal system to specify your donation. Please note that the transfer is for the Endowment Fund, and use “Family and Friends” to avoid PayPal commission.
For Cash from Mexico
Please provide cash in pesos or make a bank transfer to the UUFSMA bank account. Checks on Mexican banks are not accepted. For a bank transfer, please email our treasurer at [email protected] for transfer instructions.
For Cash from Canada
Canadian currency and checks on Canadian banks are not accepted. You may make a wire transfer to the UUFSMA’s bank in the USA. For the best rate, please ask your Canadian bank to convert CAD to USD before wiring the funds. Please email our treasurer at [email protected] for wiring instructions.
For Cash from a Donor Advised Fund, Charitable Trust or IRA
If you contribute from a Donor Advised Fund, a Charitable Trust or from your IRA, please have the fund manager or trustee mail the check to UUFSMA, as shown above. Also please send a note to our treasurer at [email protected] because some checks do not contain the donor's name. Please contact our treasurer if you have any questions.
For Gifts of Securities
Gift of securities may be made through the UUA Umbrella Giving program. First, complete the Stock Gift Notification Form at noting in the Gift Purpose section that the gift is for the Endowment Fund of the UUFSMA. After reciving a reply from UUA, you can initiate the stock transfer using the Electronic Transfer Instructions on the UUA website. UUA will sell the securities and transfer the proceeds to UUFSMA .
For Gifts of Non-financial Assets
Speak to or email a member of the Endowment Fund Committee to determine whether your proposed gift of a non-financial asset complies with the UUFSMA Gift Acceptance Policy. Non-financial assets include things such as real estate, works of art, and other tangible personal property.
We are grateful for each and every contribution. For all donations, please notify us at [email protected] and [email protected] that the money is coming, the method you have chosen and that your gift is for the Endowment Fund. This will help us to record and acknowledge your donation. Thank you!
For Cash from a USA Account
You can put a check payable to UUFSMA in the Sunday collection basket, or you may deliver it to La Connexion, Aldama #3, San Miguel de Allende, México.
You can mail a check payable to UUFSMA to:
220 N. Zapata Highway
Suite 11, PMB 401K
Laredo, Texas 78043
For Payment by PayPal
Please go to the UUFSMA website home page and click on “Donate”. That will take you to a page where you will see “To pay via PayPal click below” with a “Donate” button below it. Click on the “Donate” button to go into the PayPal system to specify your donation. Please note that the transfer is for the Endowment Fund, and use “Family and Friends” to avoid PayPal commission.
For Cash from Mexico
Please provide cash in pesos or make a bank transfer to the UUFSMA bank account. Checks on Mexican banks are not accepted. For a bank transfer, please email our treasurer at [email protected] for transfer instructions.
For Cash from Canada
Canadian currency and checks on Canadian banks are not accepted. You may make a wire transfer to the UUFSMA’s bank in the USA. For the best rate, please ask your Canadian bank to convert CAD to USD before wiring the funds. Please email our treasurer at [email protected] for wiring instructions.
For Cash from a Donor Advised Fund, Charitable Trust or IRA
If you contribute from a Donor Advised Fund, a Charitable Trust or from your IRA, please have the fund manager or trustee mail the check to UUFSMA, as shown above. Also please send a note to our treasurer at [email protected] because some checks do not contain the donor's name. Please contact our treasurer if you have any questions.
For Gifts of Securities
Gift of securities may be made through the UUA Umbrella Giving program. First, complete the Stock Gift Notification Form at noting in the Gift Purpose section that the gift is for the Endowment Fund of the UUFSMA. After reciving a reply from UUA, you can initiate the stock transfer using the Electronic Transfer Instructions on the UUA website. UUA will sell the securities and transfer the proceeds to UUFSMA .
For Gifts of Non-financial Assets
Speak to or email a member of the Endowment Fund Committee to determine whether your proposed gift of a non-financial asset complies with the UUFSMA Gift Acceptance Policy. Non-financial assets include things such as real estate, works of art, and other tangible personal property.
For Bequests
Our Mexican information:
UUFSMA c/o La Conexion, PMB 401K, Aldama 3, Centro, San Miguel de Allende 37700, GTO, Mexico
Required bequest language: Por la presente legaré los bienes inmuebles que poseo en [dirección] con todos los contenidos en ella, a la "Fraternidad Universalista Unitaria de San Miguel de Allende A.C."
Which in English means: I hereby bequeath the real estate I own at [address] with all the contents in it, to the Fraternidad Universalista Unitarian de San Miguel de Allende A.C."
If the bequest is not real estate, please insert the description of the asset being left to the UUFSMA.
Our United States and Canadian information:
UUFSMA, 220 N. Zapata Highway, Suite 11, PMB 401K, Laredo, Texas 78043
Sample bequest language:
I give, devise, and bequeath to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende, GTO, MX, and a non-profit corporation, _________________ (insert a sum, percentage of your estate, real estate address or description of other asset) as an unrestricted / restricted gift.